Party goers said they seen the arrest coming a mile away due to Ryan and his big drunken ego. Ryan was seen three hours prior, taking shots of tequila. That's when things started to take a turn for the worst. He and this one guy at the club could not get along at all for some reason and then Ryan ended up punching him. Security immediately kicked Ryan out, but the fight continued outside the club. Moments later police showed up and Ryan was arrested for being drunk and disorderly conduct, as well as assault!
As of right now Ryan is in jail and will have wait to see a judge due to the fact that it is a weekend. He will be able to see one on Monday when he can post bail. His girlfriend and fellow reality star, Elite-girl has been tweeting about the incident like mad.
We smell a publicity stunt!
Oh boy,
Me and Ryan and are famewhoring again.
Oh boy.
have you guys heard of the secret fighting between two stardoll blogs?
The infamous underneathstardoll is having a secret fight with a realitively unknown stardoll blog called divalicious-stardoll.blogspot.com
Apparently the fight is over the spoiler secret which "Diva" from divalicious discovered!! it's really juicy and I HAVE leeked formspring questions sent to Diva about it!!
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