But there's more, I'm been cheating on Stardoll since late last year! I've crossed over to The Sims 3 world! Yes, I'm so sorry my lovely followers, but Stardoll is just not interesting to me anymore. I've tried to force myself to continue on, but it just isn't the same anymore. It will never be the same. What I loved about Stardoll was mostly the creativeness it let me explore, but The Sims 3 will let me do that even more and without DRAMA!
Again, I'm very sorry if I've let any of you down, but I'm sick of Stardoll, and sick of seeing everyone be so cruel to eachother. People seem to forget, Stardoll is just a game. Have fun, but don't cross the line with eachother.
I'll pop in every now and again on my Star_Awards account. Has for my blogs and everything, I will make a other post soon about what the future will hold for them. Tell then, goodbye people.